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florida aqua farms

FAF Gulliards Fertilizer F/2

FAF Gulliards Fertilizer F/2

Regular price $10.00
Regular price Sale price $10.00
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Florida Aqua Farms modified Guillards F/2 commercial aquaculture applications for culturing micro algae. Part A and B combined, part C is silicates and must be purchased separate. 

Dose 1ml per 2.5 liters of culture water. 1.6 ml per gallon of phytoplankton culture, we use 2ml per gallon on our cultures. Each bottle has net weight of solution added. 

Must store in a cool dark place, to extend shelf life, each label has best by use date on each bottle. Our date is 6 months from when the batch was made, you can go 2 months past that date but going longer is not advised. 

Each bottle is now packaged in a natural color instead of a clear bottle to block out additional light. 

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