Excellent mix of diatoms that will replicate in your system and one of the most important tools you can use when fighting Dino’s - I actually dose this into newer set ups as it gets diatoms growing on the surfaces which in term out compete the other nuisance algae’s which are so much harder to deal with - then once a system is matured / stable you can back off adding silica and let the diatoms consume all the silica in the system - then they will quickly fade away - corals and filter feeders love this stone as well
Reef Legends
Live brine shrimp
Live brine shrimp
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We sell brine shrimp in a collection of sizes. if you want a specific size only we can accommodate those requests. We hatch brine shrimp twice weekly and them into our grow out system. When you order brine shrimp from us you'll get newly hatch nauplii, juveniles and adults. If you want to keep them alive for a few weeks, all you'll need a sponge filter, 5 gallon bucket and live phytoplankton to feed them. We also sell roti rich that you can feed them while we sell this mixed in liquid with a shelf life of 3 months.