Excellent mix of diatoms that will replicate in your system and one of the most important tools you can use when fighting Dino’s - I actually dose this into newer set ups as it gets diatoms growing on the surfaces which in term out compete the other nuisance algae’s which are so much harder to deal with - then once a system is matured / stable you can back off adding silica and let the diatoms consume all the silica in the system - then they will quickly fade away - corals and filter feeders love this stone as well
Reef Legends
Colorado Sunburst anemone
Colorado Sunburst anemone
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Aquaculture and lineage Colorado Sunburst anemone, this 2" base anemone is ready to head to a new home. Photos taken with Corals Coral lens, anemone is placed inside a PNW small mushroom box for size reference.
Care requirements for anemones vary per aquarium depending on your lighting, flow, nutrients. Anemones move around the aquarium until they find the ideal spot for them. Feed Reef Nutrition TDO pellets or Fauna Marin LPS pellets for overall health and coloration.